
上海的UFO:意大利设计大师Aldo Cibic的中国小窝

D&I 同济大学设计创意学院 2022-08-28

意大利设计大师Aldo Cibic在中国,具体说是在上海杨浦区一工人新村里的住所成功引起了全世界人民的注意。近日,世界知名意大利室内设计杂志Living3月刊上介绍了Aldo在中国的小窝和他所生活的这个因NICE2035而正发生着某种“化学反应”的老社区。

Living杂志是这样介绍自己的:意大利人始终对于室内设计有独到的见解。这个民族的热情导致他们拥抱生命的所有一切,注定就是要享受人生所有美好事物的。因为这种天性深植在他们的遗传因子当中,所以设计出来的居住空间,既合乎人性,又赏心悦目。Living 集合欧洲所有杰出室内设计师,共同为杂志贡献出最卓越的设计风貌。

Aldo Cibic目前也是同济大学上海国际设计创新学院教授,接下来就让我们一起看看他给自己设计的小窝会带给你怎样的惊喜吧。

Aldo Cibic

UFO in Shanghai



The architect Aldo Cibic, born in 1955, shown in his mini-apartment of 34 sqm (in this photo). The house is located in Siping, a very populous working-class district in Shanghai, that is “not immediately comprehensible”. 


Photo/摄影:Yuxin Zhang

Lots of things, together. An unidentified object and an exercise in proportions. But also a catalyst of new experiences: “With workshops, fab labs and startups, I have discovered a very appealing life here,” the architect says, “and this is my tiny house.”


The last time we met up with Aldo Cibic, one of the protagonists with Ettore Sottsass of the vivid parabola of Memphis and many other projects, was over two years ago. We were in Milan, guests in his new pied-à-terre of 40 sqm, designed down to the millimeter for his visits to the city from Vicenza for work. Since then many things have happened (in the world). We are still in Milan, but he – by surprise – is in Shanghai, where he has completed a new exercise on proportions: a new ‘tiny house,’ as he likes to say.

安东·西比克,与索特萨斯(Ettore Sottsass)同为孟菲斯小组的代表人物,也曾一同参与过许多设计项目。我们上一次见到他的时候,还是两年多前。当时是在米兰,我们受邀来到他的新居所。那间屋子大约40平方米,是特意为了他从维琴察来到米兰工作而准备的,也是经过安东精心设计过的。而今,时过境迁,我们还在米兰,而他竟然来到了上海!在那里,他完成了一次恰如其分的实战——正如他本人所说的,一个新“小窝”。

On the table, fruit tray by Aldo Cibic and, in the background, the bedroom zone of the small flat (below). In the kitchen and the bathroom, the red resin was supplied by Gobbetto. The multinational Haier is the sponsor that has provided the apartment and the NICE 2035 community center with ovens and refrigerators, technological bathrooms and air conditioning. On the worktop, right: Polly carafe by Aldo Cibic for Paola C. and the hot.it electric kettle by Wiel Arets for Alessi (right).

桌上是西比克设计的果盘,背景则是小居室的卧室区(下图)。厨房和浴室的红色树脂由Gobbetto提供。海尔赞助了居室和NICE公社的烤箱、冰箱、智能卫浴和空调。厨房操作台:右为西比克为Paola C.设计的Polly水瓶,以及由Wiel Arets为Alessi设计的Hot.It电热水壶(右图)。

It is also a UFO, not so much in the futuristic sci-fi sense of the term, as in its literal spelled-out meaning, that of an ‘unidentified flying object.’ In an image, an Italian (signature) interior in the heart of Siping, the very populous working-class district of the Chinese megalopolis, where Cibic is busy with a new challenge: NICE 2035 Living Lane. 


“The umbrella title stands for Neighborhood of Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship towards 2035,” he says. “It is a social innovation project promoted by Lou Yongqi, dean of the School of Design & Innovation at Tongji University of Shanghai, and of which Aldo is the creative director. The basic idea is that communities and their residents can be important sources of innovation in cities. And that universities, when they are integrated with communities, can give rise to a surprising chemical reaction, thanks to the presence of talents, ideas, emotions, knowledge and abilities that can become catalysts of new experiences. Siping, not far from Tongji University, where I have been teaching for years, was the ideal place for this type of experimentation.” And the outcome? 

“这个名字来源于英文‘Neighborhood of Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship towards 2035’(面向2035年的创新、创意、创业社区)的首字母,”他说,“这个项目是由同济大学设计创意学院院长娄永琪教授推动的,而我则是项目的创意总监。项目的基本理念是,社区和居民能够成为城市中重要的创新来源。而大学一旦与社区融合,就能引发奇妙的化学反应,能够使人才、创意、激情、知识和能力成为新体验的催化剂。我在同济大学已经教了几年书,而四平街道就是这所大学的所在地,这里可以说是这一实验的理想发生地。”结果如何呢?

Photo/摄影:Yuxin Zhang

Evening view with the window of the mini-apartment lit up.


“I am the only foreigner living in this compound,” Cibic says with a smile. Before NICE 2035, while Aldo Cibic with the Biennale 2004 and 2010 with the research projects Microrealities and Rethinking Happiness was introducing the theme of rural community, Lou Yongqi was starting Design Harvest, a platform for innovation and entrepreneurial activity in the field of urban-rural interaction.”


Like the kitchen, the bathroom is clad in red resin by Gobbetto


NICE 2035, for which Design Harvest was a sort of incubator, dates back to the following year. Since then the project has grown, incorporating an ever growing number of workshops, fab labs and startups, with a specific focus on the sectors of food & beverage, entertainment, mobility, robotics and advanced manufacturing.


The RR126 stereo radio-phonograph by the Castiglioni brothers, and the Radio.Cubo by Marco Zanuso and Richard Sapper for Brionvega, both from the 1960s. Among the design objects by Aldo Cibic, the Colony table for Paola C., the mustard lacquered tables and the lamps.

Castiglioni兄弟制造的立体声留声机RR126,Marco Zanuso 和Richard Sapper为Brionvega设计的Cubo收音机,这两个都是20世纪60年代的产品。在西比克本人设计的物品中,小桌Colony是为了Paola C.设计的,芥末色的桌子和台灯也是西比克的设计。

“When I moved to Shanghai last year I found in the site of the project, thanks to the very courteous owner of a laundry,” Cibic says. “In these months I have discovered a unique reality, a very appealing way of life, in a district that is not immediately comprehensible. The area is Siping, which is not Shanghai as we know it. Among the inhabitants, 70% are senior citizens. The insertion of new businesses has already revitalized the zone, not only creating new relational networks but also having an impact on the real estate market. Sometimes I think that in spite of myself, I have become a factor of gentrification.” 


For the bedroom zone, the bedspread and pillows are by Nothing New. The step-chest is a custom piece. Colony table by Aldo Cibic for Paola C. 

卧室区中的床单和枕头是Nothing New的。阶梯储物柜是定制品。西比克为Paola C.设计的Coloby桌。

For NICE 2035, Cibic, together with the university, have realized NICE Commune, a multifunctional social space in the heart of the community. “NICE Commune was formulated to build a bridge between the various cultures of the community, and to facilitate their mixing, generating multiple activities,” Cibic explains. “Yoga courses, pet adoption, production and sharing of food, conversations with young people, small handmade crafts, and also a market for used items. The goal is to experiment with habitat scenarios for the future of cities.” 


During the course of our e-mail correspondence, from Shanghai we also received a video by a Chinese television station. It shows the NICE 2035 Living Line, the senior citizens, the young people, as well as NICE Commune with its golf practice area created in a room no larger than 30 sqm. It also features espresso (“the good stuff,” Cibic says), the architect exercising at home, Cibic talking about Memphis, his apartment with its fine wood flooring (“used wood, 20 euros per meter”), the stepped storage chest next to the bed (“I can’t live without it, I’ve always had one, in all my homes”). About half the furnishings have been designed by Cibic, joined by the legendary Brionvega radio-phonograph by Achille & Piergiacomo Castiglioni, which the Chinese cameraman explored with great interest. 

在我们的邮件采访中,我们还收到了由上海电视台制作的一段视频。视频中,我们看到了NICE2035未来生活原型街、老年人、年轻人,看到NICE公社里有一个20多平方米的室内高尔夫练习场,也有供应浓缩咖啡(据西比克所说“味道相当不错”)的咖啡店。我们还看到这位建筑师在家中锻炼身体,与中国记者大谈孟菲斯;看到他的居室里铺设了上好的木地板(“20欧元一米的二手木料”),还有床边的阶梯储藏柜(“这对我说是十分重要的,我每个家里都有个这样的柜子”)。他屋中多半的装修是自己设计的,而屋中的Achille & Piergiacomo Castiglioni的传奇Brionvega留声机则引起了那位记者极大的兴趣。

Photo/摄影:Yuxin Zhang

Shanghai, Aldo Cibic in the Siping district, in front of the headquarters of NICE 2035, an acronym for Neighborhood of Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship towards 2035. Photo Yuxin Zhang.

上海,安东·西比克站在四平街道NICE2035未来生活原型街中心的门口。这个名字取自英文 ‘Neighborhood of Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship towards 2035’(面向2035年的创新、创意、创业社区)的首字母。

“This house is an observatory,” Cibic says. “If something’s missing I can order it from Taobao, the Chinese Amazon. They even deliver things to your home that cost just one euro. What have I learned in these first months here? The elderly lady who supervises the trash collection in the neighborhood says I’m very good at separating the refuse.” NICE 2035 Living Lane, in the end, is all this and more. Ordinary everyday activities as a motor for a real paradigm shift.




Susanna Legrenzi


Xie Yihua  谢怡华


Alex Wenlong Wang 王闻龙

Assistant Designer/设计助理

Aubrey Dongchen Li 李东辰

排版 | 鸡蛋

编辑 | 榴莲

责编 | 伊文

