

TJDW 同济大学设计创意学院 2022-08-28













Being Home

Zhai(宅), as a verb, is dwelling.

Zhai(宅), as a noun, is home.

Zhai(宅), as an adjective, is being at home.

Zhai has been widely discussed as a subculture in recent years. In 2020, Zhai has become a must instead of a choice because of the COVID-19 pandemic. When Zhai has become the collective experience instead of “busy running out”, many designers start to think about how to redefine and establish “Zhai” from a more positive point of view.

From the beginning of 2020, in addition to the exiting meaning, Zhai has been used to describe the status of being at home, and the interpretation of its connotation has never been so creative.

With all the meaning of Zhai, the concept of Jia (home, family) is always the centre and core. While it might appear as Zhai, family, home, loved ones, furniture, or even the creation at home is actually behind it.

The redefined Zhai is no longer just about objects or space, but has become a relationship between people and people or objects, a way of thinking, or a collective memory.

The pandemic will be over someday, but there will never be an end to the exploring about Zhai. Zhai will always be with us as long as home is. Design for Zhai is actually design for home and family.


Origin of Shine Shanghai


“The core value of a designer lies in his/her independence”, which is the originating spirit of “Shine Shanghai”.Every year, top-ranked designers from various fields at Shanghai are gathered together to conduct completely subjective and independent design researches with specified materials and theme, and finally present their results in the form of “entity”, which will be named as “product”. However, the definition of “product” varies with each individual. It is without doubt that the meaning is not confined to personal catharsis and expression at all, but an experimental design collective behavior with expectations. We look forward to see some resonances generated from chord of these tiny individuals. Therefore, we adopt the name of “Shine” with an eye to “glisten and illuminate”. Let's shine our designs freely just like basking in the sun. Since the first launch in 2009, “Shine Shanghai” keeps it's character as a public welfare design event. It drives the application of new materials and new processes in the design with originality, conduct prospective studies on demand, continuously attract more designers with feelings in the industry to be involved and trigger more reflections on product design from outsiders, thereby to explore new ways of developing Shanghai creative industry.




丁 伟:华东理工大学艺术设计与传媒学院副院长、木马设计创始人


HOU Zhenguang, Director of Moreless Furniture

LIU Carl, Niu Technologies Inc. VP of Design

DING Wei, Deputy Dean of School of Art Design and Media, ECUST


About the Material and Manufacturing


芬欧汇川(UPM)的Formi是乳酸(PLA)和纤维素(cellulose fibers)组成的复合塑料、绿色环保的可持续性材料。材料质量稳定,可回收,无味,易于注塑成型、挤出成型加工和3D打印加工成型,结合高质量与可持续的特征,为电子、家具、家用产品等广泛的工业和消费应用领域的可持续复合产品开辟了新的世界。

XUBERANCE and UPM will provide Formi and the 3D printing equipment to support the design, and Tongji University College of Design and Innovation provides the equipment and space of its innovation field, and also equipment for injection molding of products of limited quantities.

UPM Formi is a composite plastic composed of cellulose, PLA or PP, which is green and sustainable. This odorless material is stable and recyclable, easy for molding and 3D printing molding. As a sustainable composite product, it provides new possibility for a wide range of industry and consumer application such as electronics, furniture, house-hold products etc.





设计采用通过对人们日常宅的行为学研究,我们得出大部分人宅在家里最多的动作就是坐,我们要解决的问题就是让坐更加轻松 有趣。通过仿生学原理,打造一种轻松愉快的体验,设计外形采用鹦鹉螺造型设计,因为鹦鹉螺本身也是一种很宅的航洋生物,终生宅在自己的壳体里面。设计采用仿生学原理,通过借鉴鹦鹉螺本身外壳特征和特性,设计了一款贴合人体的摇摇椅, 通过借鉴鹦鹉螺螺旋造型和结构。让椅子可以慢慢晃动,书就可以放在椅子下方,随时取出,让你的宅生活不在沉闷,让生活更 加惬意。通过人体工学原理,模拟仿真制作而成,做到一个非常贴合人体的摇摇椅。 

Nautilus Rocking Chair,LI Peixing

Through the study of People's Daily behavior in the house, we come to the conclusion that most people sitting at home is the most movement, we want to solve the problem is to make sitting more relaxed and interesting. Through the principle of bionics, to create a relaxed and pleasant experience, the design adopts the shape design of nautilus, because nautilus itself is also a very residential Marine creatures, and stays in its shell all its life. The design adopts the principle of bionics. By referring to the characteristics and characteristics of the shell of the nautilus itself, a rocking chair that fits the human body is designed.

By borrowing from the spiral shape and structure of nautilus. Make the chair slowly sway, books can be placed

under the chair, take out at any time, make your house life not dull, make life more comfortable. Through the

principle of ergonomics, simulation and production, to achieve a very close to the human body rocking chair.

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“Yuyuan” tea table, Hou Zhengguang

The modeling comes from the stone book in the painting book "Mustard Seed Garden". The outline of the ink stone is taken as the basic shape of the spiral stack, and then a specious boulder is produced. With dark glass, it is more like the Tianchi on the top of the mountain, and it is also a useful tea table. Echoing this year's theme "Being Home", during the severe period of the epidemic, "Being Home" was the passive state of most people. Perhaps it was such an extraordinary period that made us realize that some of the most common behaviors were so rare, dinner parties, shopping, outings, etc. have disappeared. Maybe we have more reunions with family and more quiet thinking, but with The closeness of nature is also an instinct. Being isolated in a forest of residential buildings has indeed made me more and more yearning for the land, mountains, and vegetation.

In fact, I hoped to turn the balcony into a piece of land early on. So I took this opportunity to expose to Shanghai. I used 3D printing to make stone benches and tables on the balcony. Although there is no soil yet, there is no other sight. The weight is much smaller than the stone and it is easy to move. Although you can't own a garden, you can send a love letter at home. You can travel in the mountains and rivers. The so-called "heart is far away from the side", you can feel at ease, and you have a garden in your heart, so the name is "Yuyuan".

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花塔-“连接”创作于2020年全球疫情大爆发的背景下。“隔离,封城”等一系列的措施有效的遏制了病毒的传播, 但另一方面,人们被孤立在有限的空间里,渴望连接的重建反而显得如此珍贵。每一个花器都是独立的个体,它们层层相连,构成了一座花塔,从孔洞中冒出一枝枝鲜花,象征着美好的生命和希望。


Pyramidal Flower Vases-"Connect" was created in the context of the global epidemic outbreak in 2020. A series of measures such as isolation and lockdown have effectively curbed the spread of the virus, but on the other hand, people are isolated in a limited space, and the desire to rebuild the connection seems so precious. Each flower vessel is an independent individual. They are connected layer by layer to form a flower tower, and branches of flowers emerge from the holes, symbolizing beautiful life and hope.

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Orchid Chair, Steven MA

The design comes from the traditional Chinese painting of orchids. The curved shape of the side of the chair is an abstraction of the natural form of orchids in traditional Chinese painting, and the three-dimensional interpretation of orchids in traditional Chinese painting is carried out. The texture formed by FDM process echoes the neat and dense ink lines of orchid leaves.

The chair is ergonomic in shape, and in line with the principle of FDM3D printing molding, completely environmentally friendly in the printing process, is a typical application case of green intelligent manufacturing.

Users can customize furniture suitable for their own human body scale by zooming in and out of the model. At the same time, they can choose their favorite color through the Pantone color number to improve the sense of customization and effectively extend the service life of furniture.

The adoption of 3D printing completely breaks away from the waste problem of abrasive tools brought by traditional mold processing. At the same time, there is no need for large-scale production, as ordered, it saves the waste of raw materials for cutting by traditional manufacturing, and reduces the storage pressure brought by large-scale manufacturing.

Formi3D's eco-friendly material was chosen for the 3D-printed chair, which is made of wood fibers from Finnish forest trees that can meet the needs of degradation.

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Traffic Cone, JIN Yige

As a modern Chinese slang, “宅” means “homebody” or “indoorsy”, such as “宅男”(homebody/otaku) and “这个人宅”(this person is indoorsy) are all derivatives of this meaning. However, ancient Chinese literatures also give us other definitions, such as “宅心仁厚”(being kind-hearted). 宅 is related to heart, not the body. Where to place the heart?

A Eastern Han Dynasty scholar, Zheng Xuan, in his annotation of “中庸”(The Doctrine of the Mean) said: “慎其家居之所为”, which can be translated literally as “be more cautious at home alone!”. The traffic cone is a warning isolation symbol that everyone agrees, which evolves into visible instruments that can be used all the time. With materials and symbols of the extremely industrial era, it echoes the thoughts and advice of the ancients for introspection.

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Vase, Chen Zimian

This work uses parametric aids to design the shape and texture of the vase. Inspired by the traditional craft of bamboo weaving, the form expresses the cross texture of vines and weaving.

Combined with large-scale 3D printing, the integrated process of digital design and digital construction is realized. The form generated by parameter-driven algorithm combined with 3D printing can realize rapid multi-scheme customized production.

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Zhaiyu, Wang Zhuoran

In the twentieth year of this century, due to the emergence of a virus, the “Being Home” culture that was originally regarded as a way of life has become a safe and healthy management method. As a designer, you must interpret such themes, think creatively and produce answers, and respond to the themes, both serious and lifelike. This is the original intention of the "Shanghai" design activity.

Combining the craftsmanship this time, and thinking from the daily life, designing concise, interesting, and functional objects is my materialization direction of the theme concept. At the same time, thinking about the Chinese character "zhai", people are at home in contrast with being outside, and the house is at home, so mirroring the word "Being Home" should be expressed outside. After mirroring, it was found that it matched another Chinese character, which also echoes in the meaning, which is "Yu".

At this point, there needs to be a meaningful form to appear as a suitable solution. By arranging and merging the strokes of the two characters, retaining the morphological characteristics of the font, and using the mirror image relationship between the two, a food container (large plate) with a unified form and a variety of combinations is designed.

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Jean-Philippe BONZON







组件:天然米色的UPM Formi容器和彩色攀登绳。


由Jean-Philippe Bonzon与Shine Shanghai 12合作设计

Suspended Garden, Jean-Philippe BONZON

After spending a quarantine of 14 days in one hotel room in Shanghai, you will notice the importance of nature in your space. I'm a Swiss designer living close to the mountains. In Switzerland, we are surrounded by nature, and you will be part of it. My intention for this project is to bring green natural elements into your living space by creating a suspended garden.

In some situations, we don't have the possibility to go out or haven't access to natural elements and plants. By creating these suspended column gardens, people will have access to a small green area inside their private space, without going out.

Of course, it will not replace a relaxing walk in the forest, but it will be just a substitute. The benefit of this hanging garden is to have a small footprint for small apartments and bring you fresh elements.  

Aromatic plants like basilic, mint, parsley, thyme, rosemary as an example, for an additional fresh taste on your dishes or special cocktails, can be planted and within easy reach. Having these suspended green elements will bring you a sense of nature, responsibility, education, and time. You can give the responsibility to your children to maintain this green wall and showing him, with time, what nature can give and offer you back. The more vegetal columns you will have, the bigger diversity of your plants could be. You can also plant a mixture of flowers and wild berries. Some plants have the function to clean your environment in oxygen like Ficus or Peperomia, and many others. Feel free to create your own hanging garden with the plants that give you the most satisfaction and benefit for you and your family in daily life.

The hanging elements are composed of four different types, a compartment pot, an organizer, a flowerpot, and a perch for birds, all of them are made with 3D wood printing, a natural element to take care of our environment. The shape and design of these elements are specifically designed for this technique of printing.

The simplicity of the container's shapes allowed you an easier installation, to place them and remove them one by one, just with one colorful rope as a structure. The rope can also help the plants to go up on the structure.

Components: the natural beige color of the UPM Formi container with a colorful climbing rope.

The installation is made with a climbing rope, passing through the holes and fix the height with a simple knot. A fixture on the ceiling with an adapted hook.

Designed by Jean-Philippe Bonzon with the collaboration of Shine Shanghai 12

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Cloud Root Side Table, MO Jiao

Learning beyond artifacts, glowing insight spirit. By ZHANG Zao, Tang Dynasty.

Being home benefit in reading, even more to feel the nature. To observe the beauty of visible and invisible order of the nature.

By abstract the cloud shape as table top, using digital design to generating the table foot as the root grow from the could. Cloud root side table has organic shape to meet the trends of future dwell.

Cloud with root homophonic to “genyun”, means cultivation, to indicate the material Formi (UPM) are come from corn starch and wood fiber, both renewable resource. More or less the FDM 3D print process from bottom to the raise also like traditional cultivation. Cloud Root Side Table is the saluting furniture piece from home to the nature

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Twine, Li Xuanji

During the epidemic, staying indoors has become a normal way of life. In the state of staying indoors, when we have no more trifles in life, people's most primitive and natural behaviors and desires become the main state during the period of staying indoors. The primitive desires also become prominent under the premise of staying indoors. The 3D printed recyclable wood powder material is used to compare the smooth part with the more prominent part of the face of Eros as a metaphor, expressing the sexual state between lovers during the house, hoping to awaken people to the liberation of the most primitive sexual desire without any secular bondage.

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The home life of a pet family, CHEN Zimian

In the epidemic environment, people will spend more and more time "at home", "at home" refers to a pursuit of private space, focus on the spirit, this proposal explores the possibility of 3D printed furniture in a pet home.

The design combines the functional and decorative aspects of furniture, and the parametric algorithm generates complex, irregular and unique patterns that can be adjusted to produce different customized products quickly, giving full play to the advantages of 3D printed furniture in terms of fast and integrated production, accurate printing of irregular surfaces, and close integration with design.

The manufacturing process of recyclable and environmentally friendly materials through robotic 3D printing, with zero waste and zero emissions, realizes environmentally friendly manufacturing based on new materials and technologies.

For a pet home, it may require extra effort to purchase pet nests and toys, this series of furniture takes the habits of pets into account, the design incorporates a space suitable for pets to sit and lie, combining the needs of human and pet use, the owner and the pet because of the common use of furniture and close the distance, increasing the opportunity for interaction.

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主办 / HOST


College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University






UPM China


Hangzhou Kewan New Material Sci.&Tech. Co.,Ltd.



Shanghai Industrial Design Association


Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Design


Shanghai Design Week Committee


China Industrial Design Museum


Neuni Group



Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.


Shanghai Design Week Investment & Management Co., Led.




MoreLess Furniture





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重磅预告 | 2021环同济设计周:新格局 A NEW LANDSCAPE

