
课程成果 | Studio2 · 同济飞亚达时间可视化项目(一):虚实之间

D&I 同济大学设计创意学院 2023-07-04






Time visualization is a long-term design studio collaborating with China Aviation Group FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd. This course is based on the tradition and culture of the watch-making industry, using artificial intelligence tools, exploring various possibilities of combining digital design with time symbols. We will help the students collect and translate data into patterns, textures, and interactive devices, and apply them to the design of watch dial, packaging, installations, and other integrated media of the time. 


AI art and design, texture, fashion, fine watchmaking




"All things in life, all things in one", originally came from the ancient Taoist philosophy on the generation of the universe. The project starts from the "three bodies" of danghongyuan universe IP, and is associated with the science fiction concept of Zhizi - only a micro particle, which can be expanded through multiple dimensions, has intelligence, and records infinite information. The level of human cognition of micro particles determines the height of physical science. Perhaps the most future technology begins with a micro particle. The scheme plans to design a set of algorithms, based on the initial shape of particles, through connection, growth, deformation, to generate a set of spacecraft with infinite evolution and infinite shape. Let a set of algorithms and a particle become the rules of "everything in life".



Galaxy Back-formation is a series of virtual accessories inspired by the ‘Dual Vector Foil’ from Three Body.These accessories, called ‘Shell on the Shore’, are created by some advanced civilization who has collected the 2-dimensional galaxy. ‘Back-formation’ refers to removing the misunderstood suffix to form a new word. The advanced civilization has made the galaxy 2-dimensional,removing the existence of civilization, and instead promoting the accessories with embodiment and ‘humanity’. The levitating and interspersing way of wearing is quite non-traditional, and the style also contains ‘déjà-vu’ of human religion, in which the conflict between motivation and result is quite dramatic. Shells are a measure used by mollusks to protect their own lives, but they are picked up by humans for enjoyment. For higher life, the 2-dimensional galaxy is like the shells leftbehind after the tide. Human beings rise and fall in the universe, and the relic of civilizationbecomes their ornaments.




The scene that the rocket was ignited in the countdown and "ignition" sound, and slowly ascended to the sky, is the most profound space memory of many people. The clouds left behind are like the last link between the spacecraft and the earth. After dissipation, the rocket also reached another station in the universe.

Rocket Bloom akes the digital growth means as the medium to reproduce the moment of launching artistically. The ejected flame and steam are replaced by organic growth similar to fungi and plants. Digital means enable the growing organisms to present different growth forms based on different parameter inputs, and everyone can create their own ejected organisms. In the virtual world, the rocket launch is not only spectacular, but also romantic. The jet smoke is no longer a trace of disappearing, but a bloom of life.



Reverse Bionics· Jellyfiship is intended to explore a new coexistence method of biological and human space civilization products and human beings ——  reverse bionics. In the process of development,human civilization has borrowed countless times from the survival methods of natural creatures,imitating the survival or predation skills of various creatures to achieve "limitspeed", "limit weight" and "limit flexibility". With the advent of the new spaceage, human's earth citizenship will be further upgraded, becoming a citizenof the solar system, and even a citizen of the galaxy in the future. When human identity is constantly changing, the development of human civilization will also have a huge impact on the natural world. Are these creatures also learning to imitate and compete forco-evolution in the face of highly developed human civilization? Imitating human civilization? Jellyfiship is to conjecture the fusion and interweaving of jellyfish with the products of human spaceflight civilization in the far future.





In the exciting voice, China Aerospace has continuously overcome difficulties and achieved successes one after another in the hard work of generations of astronauts.In this great mission after another, I have discovered that it is the unique anchor point as the key marker that makes the events of each moment take on an extra dimension of meaning. The events that are taking place paired with the various sounds are the most beautiful artworks created by the artist,nature. I created this virtual digital image by digitizing the various sounds of Chinese astronauts exploring deep space; using the latest creative means to associate the sound with the rocket tail flame, and re-explain the abstracteffort as a propulsive tail flame. Chinese voices change every moment of the universe.



Space remnants is a series of digital virtual objects designed to explorewhether there will be new ways of recovery and utilization of space debris inthe future and whether the cosmic environment and human activities will leadto new changes in space debris.The work simulates the evolution of space debris in the future and makes amodel through digital technology to arouse the audience's thinking about therecovery and evolution of space debris.


在未来,人们不仅找到了地外文明的存在,还能与之进行交流和来访,引力波成为了如同hello, world一样的最初级最有效的与地外文明进行沟通的交流媒介,通过天线发射引力波,去传递人类的友好的信号。


In the future, people will not only find the existence of extraterrestrial civilization, but also communicate and even visit with them. Gravitational waves have become the easiest and most effective communication medium for communicating with extraterrestrial civilizations like “Hello, world!”, the first step in code learning, and gravitational waves are emitted through antennas to transmit the friendly signal of human beings.

In this design, the Hetu Luoshu is chosen as one of Chinese stories, and the ancient Chinese yin and yang are used as a binary method to deliver the message. I designed a gravitational wave antenna and a gravitational wave particle signal that propagates in all directions. The gravitational wave passes through the gravitational wave core (degenerate matter) in the antenna when the core generates vibrations, thus sharing the records and thoughts of the ancients on cosmic astrology with extraterrestrial civilizations for the well-known universe.




谭丞超 周超






Yu Xin'an, Sun Lei, Zhang ZhouJie, Zhang Yinan, Guo sifan


Tan Chenchao、Zhou Chao


Tian Qinfeng, Zhang Yuqing, Cheng Yao, Heran, Wang Ruiqi, Zhang Mucai, Zhao Xinyue, Chen Herun, Chen Xinghui, Feng Siheng, Gu Tianrun, Zhang Qingyu, Zhong Yiheng, Tian Guyuan

Graphic design:

Zhong Yiheng








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