

小张老师398 张宁 ning zhang 2020-08-25



On Father’s Day of 2020, our founding fathers crawled out of their tombs, bewildered by the chaos of the country. What would they say?




We found out today that George Washingon’s statue in Portland was pulled down overnight. My guess is that good old George would not have been amused. General Washington was a man who believed in dignified behavior. Before age 16, George Washington had copied down a list of 110 rules for civilized behavior. These rules indicate his appreciation of the importance of treating fellow citizens with respect as a means to ensure a harmonious society.  The people who have joined the thoughtless mobs that have defaced or  pulled down statues would do well to consider the wisdom of just two of these recommendations:

“Associate yourself with Men of good Quality if you Esteem your own Reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad Company.”

“In Disputes, be not So Desirous to Overcome as not to give Liberty to each one to deliver his Opinion.” 


Given the opportunity to address those who would destroy the monuments to the founders, General Washington might strive to deliver a message similar to the one he imparted to a group of his officers in a meeting in Newburgh, New York in 1783. The officers, angry with Continental Congress for its failure to pay them for their service, were considering a revolt. Washington assured them that he understood their complaints. Pulling a letter from his pocket, Washington paused before reading it, saying, “Gentlemen, you will permit me to put on my spectacles, for I have not only grown gray but almost blind in the service of my country.” 


Washington knew how to make an impression. American citizens of today should understand how much he and the other patriots of his day suffered to bring forth this great experiment in republican government. We all could use the courage and wisdom of a Washington these days.

亚历山大·汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton)了解了暴民行动的力量和危险:

“人民动荡不安,变化万端;他们很少判断正确或做出正确的决定。” 对目前的境况,亚历山大·汉密尔顿可能不会感到惊讶,因为人们不断被社交媒体激发,从而对国父们充满愤怒,因为他们只不过是压制有色人种的“死去的白人”。

Alexander Hamilton had an understanding of the power and danger of mob action:

“The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge right or make good decision.” He likely would have not been surprised that people would be roused to anger toward the founding fathers through continuous social media criticism of them as just “dead white guys” who repressed people of color. 

纵观汉密尔顿的一生,他本人正是他的政治敌人散布众多谣言的靶子。他承认“没有一个人物,无论品行多么端庄正直,能够抵挡的了反复不断的、哪怕是虚假的攻击。” 汉密尔顿时代的报纸比今天的报纸,党派相争更为露骨。所以,在汉密尔顿看来,像《纽约时报》这样的知名媒体推动对美国历史的不准确的历史性改写以符合其世界观,这是很自然的。如果人们经常听到,国父们是为了保留奴隶制而在美洲煽动并发起针对英国革命的,那么他们可能真的会开始相信它。

Hamilton was the subject of many rumors spread by his political enemies, and he acknowledged that “no character, however upright, is a match for constantly reiterated attacks, however false.” Newspapers of his day were even more openly partisan than today’s. It would seem natural to Hamilton that a supposedly reputable media outlet such as the New York Times would push historically inaccurate rewritings of American history to match its world view. If people hear often enough that the founders instigated revolution against Great Britain in order to maintain slavery in the Americas, then they start to believe it.

托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)曾有过几段名言:“时不时地叛乱是一件好事,在政治世界中的风暴,就像现实世界中风暴一样,都是必不可少的……这是维持政府健全健康的必要药物”,还有“自由之花需要经常用爱国者和暴君的鲜血来浇灌”。

Thomas Jefferson famously wrote that “a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical...It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government" and “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”


Thomas Jefferson was a strong supporter of the French Revolution in its early stages, before it devolved into extreme violence. Jefferson might have been more willing than some of the other founding fathers to believe that something good could come from mob actions. He might allow a bemused smile at seeing his own statue toppled as the current generation of Americans struggles with questions of how to build a just society and how to pursue a state where “all men are created equal”. But knowing the violent route of the French Revolution might make him less optimistic.




昨晚 几乎每个被捕的都是白人

病毒尚未走远 民众仍需谨慎





地上暴乱 龙飞船上天







愿孩儿多乖巧 天天都是母亲节


